Thursday, September 22, 2016

Prtotec 10 !)


So I think I was going to do something when I got up to Prototec 10 but I will do on another one it is going to be named this: #**Protote** I doing know why but I want it to e so let's get into the post.So our tarsk was to do Shet 7 and the levele I'm up to is shet 6 and we had to do i tunde3r 10 minits I got under 5 minits there were once that our teacher has not teacht us so that is why I suck at it and I have no clow of what it is so the link will be at the bottom and bb.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Prototec 8


YES I GOT 5 TIMED!!! So hey guys I got it yaya I did link bellow yes I only got two wrong!so ya link at the bottom now going onto 6 sheet!

see two wrong


prototec *9*


Hello . My name is Eli and my Prototec 8 so prototec is on a label if you want to see the other one’s so Prototec is maths you go up in levels so the task today is doing 6 timed ya 6 TIMED so that is really hard if you don’t know so I always have a link at the bottom so bye .

I think I should practise those 100+'s


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Prototec 7


Hey guys I'm back with another post of prototec and I got really close It is you have to get 57/60 to pass onto the next level and I got 51 so just have to work on it more so the link will be bellow.THIS IS SO HARD!!!

Just need to work on my takeaway and pluses :)

Monday, September 12, 2016

Typing school

Typing game 

Hey guy sorry but I have not done 1 these ones are so hard 
and I just can't get them so :l . Well I've have done them just I CAN'T PAST THEM!!! 
So there will be the link bellow 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Typing Game

     Typing Games

Image result for typing

Hello my name is Eli and today I am going to be writing about the BIG title up there what is it. It is typing so yesterday I got ALL the Quotes uppercase and I have done the lower case so I just have the basic ones to do but they are harder than the Quotes it is going to take forever so that’s all wish me luck with geting them done bb.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pasifika part 1

Hey guys I'm back with another post for the preferments so I decided to do a voki so this is it.